Gas Chromatography Analysis
GC solvents from Avantor deliver low UV absorbance, residue after evaporation and water levels that create flat base lines and extend column life in demanding gas chromatography analysis applications. These include demanding environmental analysis protocols, drug discovery, academic laboratories, food and beverage, quality control and research applications.
Our GC products are application-optimized and function tested and produced in ISO certified facilities. Function testing is carried out on high-resolution capillary GC and many products are accurate to the ppb/ppt level. And our GC products are tested and controlled for optimum purity and lot-to-lot consistency. So you get the best performance on any GCinstrumentation or methodology, with the enhanced separation power and reproducibility that makes GC the world’s most widely used analytical technique.
We also offer chemical packaging options that reduce or eliminate the need to handle or measure hazardous chemicals, and recyclable CYCLE-TAINER™ solvent delivery packaging systems.
Supporting Environmental Analysis and Testing
Gas Chromatography & Environmental Solvents
Universal Multipurpose Solvents
Environmental Extraction Disks
Solid Phase Extraction Columns
SPE Well Plates
SPE Processors &Accessories
ppb Trace Metal Acids
ppt Trace Metal Acids
Environmental Applications
- Liquid-liquid extraction
- Solid phase extraction
- Trace metal analysis
- Pesticide residue analysis
- Purge and trap (headspace analysis)
- Reference standards (AA and ICP applications)